Welcome to an intentional, captivating, authentic spot...

...where your company's story will finally find its voice.
Every company has a story, and whether it's intentional or not, you and your employees are telling it every day - so what is it? Is your story intentional or just the question that you and your employees stumble over when asked "What does your company do?"
Is your story captivating? Does your first sentence make people lean in and say, "Tell me more"? Or do they just nod politely and look for the first opportunity to move on to the next, more captivating, story?
Is it authentic? Do you truly mean it, or are you just spouting off some boilerplate description from years ago that no one's ever gotten around to updating? What about your employees? Are they able to tell your story with conviction and passion, knowing that what they say about your company is backed up by your actions, reputation, and service? Or are they all telling different stories that only serve to confuse and push buyers away?
Is your story compelling? Does it move people or other companies to buy what you're selling?
If not (or if maybe, but it sure could be better), have a seat on Sweet Tea's veranda. We have a story to tell you - about an oasis from mind-numbing corporate-speak and downright boring communications. About a company where the power of words is harnessed every day to help organizations just like yours tell your story.
Once we work with you to write your story, Sweet Tea then creates compelling strategic communications programs for you that combine big ideas with practical attention to budgets. Our programs also map out for you - step-by-step - how to make sure your story is consistently told at every level and through every single communication that flows from your company, including:
Strategic Writing
Strategic Marketing Program Development
Corporate Positioning & Messaging
Brand Identity/Awareness/Rebranding​
Social Media Program Development
Web Development
Marketing Communications​
Community Relations
Award Entry Development
So in a nutshell, Sweet Tea's story is that we help organizations find, embrace, and live their stories in a way that makes everyone else want to buy what they're selling.
That's the sweet spot - that's Sweet Tea Communications.